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6 Effective ways to Teach Students with Disabilities

Effective Ways to Teach Students with Disabilities!

You can employ a variety of teaching techniques to create engaging and fruitful learning environments and experiences for all students, including those who have disabilities.

The process of creating lessons and a teaching approach for persons with a variety of backgrounds, abilities, and learning preferences is known as accessible education. People learn in a variety of ways, just as there is no one right way to teach, therefore using several instructional techniques will assist fulfill the need of the maximum number of students. By reading this article, you will get to know the effective ways to teach students with disabilities.

What does it mean to have a Physical Impairment?

There are many different kinds of physical impairments, such as those that are linked to mobility, those that are linked to health and medicine, and those that are brought on by traumatic brain injuries. Physical disabilities can sometimes be easy to spot, but it’s not always feasible to tell whether someone has a physical or a medical or health-related disability.

Ways to Teach Students with Disabilities

Some physical impairments necessitate the use of an aid (for example, a wheelchair or walker). However, other disabilities may not be readily apparent, such as those caused by multiple sclerosis or arthritis. Physical impairments can make it difficult for a person to stand, walk, sit, or move around. Some medical conditions are episodic; they might have flare-ups and then remissions. Some people with physical limitations might have a personal support person with them.

Ideas for Dealing with a student who has a Physical Limitation One-on-one

Here are some helpful pointers for instructing pupils who have physical limitations.

  1. To ensure a clear path to your seat and the area where you will conduct meetings, remove impediments and rearrange furniture.
  2. A person’s personal space is extended by an assistive gadget. Keep in mind that the majority of power wheelchairs are operated by a hand-held device and should be left up to the user.
  3. If a talk is anticipated to last more than a few seconds, recommend a nearby location where everyone can be comfortably seated.
  4. Speak to the individual directly, not to the accompanying support worker.
  5. Ask “Can I help?” if you’re unsure what to do.

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Effective Ways to Teach Students with Disabilities

Here are some helpful ways to teach students with disabilities:

1. Prepare Students for upcoming lessons:

  • Discuss and set the standards for learning. Tell the class what they will learn during the session and how long each activity will take. “Today we will read about John Doe and identify new vocabulary words in the story,” for instance.
  • Establish and discuss behavioral standards. Describe the classroom behavior that is required of the pupils. For instance, “Raise your hand if you need anything from me,” or “Talk quietly to your neighbors during seatwork.”
  • Make the schedule available beforehand. So that everyone is on the same page, summarize your instructional plan. Let the students know that after you review the last lesson, you’ll split into groups for group work before giving them time for individual reading.
  • Describe the materials required for the lesson in great detail. For instance, let the children know that they will require crayons, scissors, and colored paper for an art project. Read further for other ways to teach students with disabilities.

2. Organizing Successful Lessons:

  • Examine the Earlier Lesson: Review a few problems before moving on to the current lesson if you went over regrouping in subtraction in the previous session.
  • Use worksheets to highlight essential phrases in the directions so that children with special needs can concentrate on them.
  • Simply underline crucial terms while you and the students read through the instructions if you are unable to highlight before the lecture.
  • Before asking students to provide a synopsis of the full book during reading sessions, have them write down important sentences on a separate sheet of paper.
  • Show pupils how to emphasize critical information in arithmetic problem statements. For example, if Mary has two apples and John has three, underline “two” and “three.” Read further for other ways to teach students with disabilities.

Ways to Teach Students with Disabilities

3. Encourage student involvement in the lesson.

  • To keep them attentive and ready to respond when necessary, decide on particular cues for children with special needs. It may be as straightforward as giving them a pat on the back or leaving a sticky note on their desk.
  • Your special needs student shouldn’t be rushed. Try to reserve asking them in-depth questions until after they’ve had a chance to complete an equation.
  • One of the ways to teach students with disabilities is to ask follow-up questions so that students can show their understanding after delaying the answer or choosing another student for at least 15 seconds.
  • Avoid being critical or sarcastic; doing so highlights the differences between students with learning disabilities and their peers.
  • Use a range of multimedia resources to provide academic instruction. You can use a wooden apple cut into quarters and a wooden pear cut into halves as an example when instructing pupils on how to solve fractions.

4. Support Student Focus

  • Give students gentle encouragement to keep working on their allocated activities as the course progresses.
  • Reminding pupils of the behavioral standards you established at the start of the course is another option at this stage.
  • Assignments should be divided into smaller, simpler jobs. For instance, give pupils five math problems to finish before giving them the final five.

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5. Examine Students Performance

Ask certain kids with special needs questions to determine whether they have understood the lesson’s material.

For instance, while having pupils complete seatwork (lessons finished at desks in the classroom), ask them to:

  • Give an example of the formula you used to solve a math problem.
  • Share their own opinions on how the story’s protagonist felt throughout a certain chapter.
  • Utilize these opportunities to teach kids with special needs how to repair their own errors, such as by providing advice on how to double-check math figures and spell correctly.
  • When it comes to students with special needs, avoid tests with a strict deadline and excessive pressure. Due to their potential time blindness, they are unable to fully display their expertise in these circumstances. Quizzes with more time to finish them result in less test anxiety. Just one remaining on the list of ways to teach students with disabilities, read below.

6. Give Directions for Further Action:

  • Give a student with special needs additional oral instructions after giving the entire class their lesson. For instance, check to see if they understood the instructions before having the group repeat them.
  • Give written instructions as a result. Write the page number and other information for an assignment, for instance, on the chalkboard. Then, if a student forgets the task, remind them to check the chalkboard.

Frequently Asked Questions on Teaching Students with Disabilities

Here are answers to some most asked questions in regards to ways to teach students with disabilities:

How can teachers who are effective with special needs kids modify the environment?

Children with autism or visual impairments can benefit from different lighting conditions, such as brighter or darker lighting. Children with a physical disability or orthopedic impairment can benefit from the adaptation of classroom equipment, such as lowering chairs, fastening desks, and adding slant boards for writing support.

How do you inspire students with unique needs?

1. Encouraging Children with Special Needs.
2. The application of reinforcement.
3. Promote initiatives like "Social Stories" and "Scripting."
4. Let them select the activity of their choice.
5. Use play therapy.
6. Give kids their favorite foods or toys as rewards.
7. Make use of music therapy.
8. Include Activities That Impact the Sensory Stimulation Level.

Teaching aids for kids with impairments

1. Timers. This is a wonderful and practical tool to help children who struggle to pace themselves.
2. Literature manuals.
3. Text to speech.
4. Different keyboards.
5. Books on tape.
6. FM radio listening devices.
7. Writing assistance.
8. Visual organizers.

What is the term for Disability Equipment?

Any tool or system that enables people to carry out tasks that might otherwise be challenging or impossible is considered Assistive Technology (AT). AT can be as basic as a jar opener or as sophisticated as a pressure care mattress that minimizes pressure sores.

Ways to Teach Students with Disabilities


We think that students with special needs need comprehensive support, thus we focus on encouraging collaborations between educators, families, and the larger community. We hope you find these ways to teach students with disabilities provided in this article helpful.

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