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40 Dos and Don’ts of teaching

40 Dos and Don’ts of teaching. Every class has a teacher in charge, and that position of authority comes with certain power. As a result, there are some do’s and don’ts that teachers must follow in order to be effective. Keep in mind that all teachers are human and can make errors and have bad days. There are many things that teachers at all levels of education should and shouldn’t do on a regular basis. These classroom management strategies ought to be your reference whether you are teaching a big or small class.

40 Dos of teaching

1) Always act professionally, even if an administration, parent, or youngster is getting on your nerves. It’s never easy to maintain self-control because we all have emotions and a tendency to lash out when we are provoked. However, maintaining composure demonstrates maturity, sophistication, and professionalism.

2) Be objective; refrain from making provocative remarks in your notes to your parents or the principal. Despite pressure from administrators or a desire to sugarcoat the truth, it is important to write frank progress reports that don’t falsify information or ignore issues. Teachers that embellish the truth to excuse their mistakes are despised by the students.

3. Prepare fallback strategies in case an activity doesn’t go as planned. Teachers are expected to be tactic-flexible, so they are allowed to learn a more effective method if they find that a particular strategy isn’t working during a class.

4) Prepare for several teaching philosophies (i.e., visual, kinesthetic, audio, verbal). Remember that students learn differently from adults, therefore every lesson should include a variety of contexts to help illustrate the point.

5) It’s crucial for teachers to keep in mind that every child has unique differences. Each pupil is unique. Never personalize a student.

6) Make plans for different learning levels. According to research, students learn best from their peers, so wherever possible, classes should integrate unified learning.

7) Let kids pick their own tasks. Give them options from which to choose. It will need more work to provide options. Instead, then focusing on the end result, emphasize the process more.

8) Let kids take chances and let them make mistakes. Encourage them to try and try again after that. We ought to learn from our errors and adopt the proper protocols.

9) Make the most of teaching occasions to improve subject and value integration.

10) Include these three phases in your lesson planning: before, during, and after reading.

11) Consistently examine your teaching methods and how your students are developing in the classroom. Always reflect on whether you used the most effective method to convey the idea. Could I have reached every youngster any more effectively? Was my preparation for the students adequate, and were the activities worthwhile?

12) Create opportunity for students to apply psychological tools to examine, assess, synthesize, and apply to real-world circumstances.

13) Create environments that are rich in literacy and feature words and print everywhere; provide chances and instruments that engage kids in reading and writing activities; and recognize students’ aptitudes in both reading and writing.

14) Use an equalized curriculum to prepare kids for success in both school and in life. Include the Kagan-taught PIES model in your structures so that students can fully take charge of their education.

16) Design engaging learners rather than passive observers for every lesson. Teacher-centered classes are undoubtedly a thing of the past, and teachers now have to come up with inventive ways to teach subjects and lessons using engaging activities and techniques because pupils are easily distracted.

17) Regularly monitor and evaluate each student’s reading development and proficiency. Instruction is guided and informed by this continuing evaluation.

18) Encourage a passion for lifelong learning in your students. The instructor is aware that the students’ achievement is greatly influenced by the expectations placed on them. The teacher is also aware that pupils typically deliver what is expected of them.

19) Encourage acceptance and a sense of belonging in the classroom. Respect for one another fosters a helpful and cooperative atmosphere in the teacher’s classroom.

20) Be approachable, eager, kind, and considerate. This kind of instructor is very approachable to everyone on the school grounds, including the pupils. This is the instructor that students feel comfortable approaching in any circumstance or crisis, or merely to share a humorous tale.

20 Don’ts of Teaching

1) Avoid planning and instructing alone. When disciplines are taught and children may establish connections between different things, learning occurs most effectively.

2) Never portray it as a solo endeavor. Don’t assume you can complete everything by yourself. It will be more satisfying to collaborate with the pupils as a team.

3) Don’t neglect to implement changes and useful criticisms that would lead to the advancement of the plans and interventions created on behalf of the pupils.

4) Avoid sending letters or texts to parents every time a student engages in inappropriate behavior.

5) Avoid making assumptions about a pupil based on his socioeconomic level.

6) Don’t refuse to add a pupil because they are untidy.

7) Avoid punishing kids right away with sarcasm and disrespect.

8) Avoid treating students unfairly by docking them points or failing them for prior conflicts with parents.

9) Avoid overstating pupils’ grades without double-checking their work.

10) Never fail to care about the wellbeing of any student, especially when they are experiencing pain, grief, or a very challenging situation.

11) Avoid disparaging pupils by bringing up their parents’ mistakes.

12) Avoid hitting pupils with markers and dusters.

13) Never solicit presents or other forms of payment from parents to give a particular pupil extra attention.

14) Avoid being overly nice with any of the students because it can give the wrong message and come across as flirting.

15. Do not assault any student physically or verbally.

16) You should never undervalue a student’s capacity for learning.

17) Never remove a student from class because of disruptive behavior.

18) Refrain from leaving the classroom when the behavior of the children becomes too upsetting.

19) Avoid false charges against a professor or a student.

20) In the evenings, don’t leave the building as soon as the bell rings without doing your task properly.

FAQS on 40 Dos and Don’ts of teaching with solutions

Why is knowing the do’s and don’ts of teaching important?

Knowing the dos and don'ts of teaching will help you get ready for a successful school year. Learning the "dos" of teaching can help you develop some practical techniques that could raise your level of instruction, create a positive rapport with your students, and enhance their classroom behavior. Additionally, being aware of the dos and don'ts in this role can help you learn better alternatives for the classroom by showing you what not to do.

Do’s and Don’ts in hybrid teaching?

The Do's and Don'ts might be useful for those, like me, who find it difficult to manage everything in the hybrid teaching model: Do: Spend time getting to know your students and fostering a sense of community.

What should you never do in a lesson plan?

A lesson that you haven't planned should not be entered into. It's always possible for a lesson you haven't planned to go awry, and even one error you make could lead to your students being unsuccessful. Always schedule each lesson in advance so you can determine how long it will take to cover everything you want to.


Every class has a teacher in charge, and that position of authority comes with certain power. As a result, there are some do’s and don’ts that teachers must follow in order to be effective.

Keep in mind that all teachers are human and can make errors and have bad days. There are many things that teachers at all levels of education should and shouldn’t do on a regular basis. These classroom management strategies ought to be your reference whether you are teaching a big or small class.

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