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HomeArticlesPuzzles in Classrooms: 5 Psychological Benefits & Establishment Tips

Puzzles in Classrooms: 5 Psychological Benefits & Establishment Tips

Puzzles in Classrooms: What can kids enjoy and learn from at the same time? What? Riddles and puzzles, of course!

Children are naturally drawn to puzzles and riddles, and through play, they can learn new ideas and solidify existing knowledge in subjects like language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.

What Is Puzzle-Based Learning?

The use of puzzles in classrooms to educate higher-order cognitive abilities like problem-solving is known as puzzle-based learning. Building a solid basis for students to be competent problem solvers in the actual world is the ultimate goal of establishing puzzles in classrooms.

At the most advanced level, solving problems in the real world requires three categories of abilities: navigating the whims of ambiguous and shifting circumstances; utilizing domain-specific knowledge and techniques; and exercising critical thinking and using generic problem-solving techniques.

Puzzles in Classrooms

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Top Puzzle Websites

Here are some websites you might want to look at if you want to introduce “puzzling” enjoyment to your students’ Internet experience:

Games & Puzzles:

This website is a section of There are word searches here, including Egyptian and computer word searches, as well as jumbles, fill-ins, and jigsaw puzzles. Most problems are only moderately challenging.


All of the activities on this website are helpful in instructing a fire safety lesson, making them an excellent resource to supplement a fire safety unit. For younger elementary children, this website is a useful tool.

Children’s Clubhouse:

This website, which has Fun Stuff, a Reading Room, and Brain Teasers, is provided by Houghton Mifflin Publishers. Each week, three brand-new brainteasers are released, one for students in grades 3–4; another for those in grades 5–6; and a third for those in grades 7 and up.


This fantastic list of kid-friendly websites includes a number of links to puzzle and riddle websites. Riddles are a fun approach to introduce key Language Arts concepts, such as the idea that a word’s obvious meaning isn’t always its only meaning.

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How to Establish Puzzles in Classrooms

Adopt these tips when establishing puzzles in classrooms:

  1. Occupy Spare Time. At the start of the lesson or at the end, students might work on puzzles for a short while. People that finish their task earlier might fill in a few minutes while others catch up.
  2. Fostering Community: A wonderful idea to give the kids something to talk about is to have them work on a single jigsaw puzzle together. Alternately, build up a number of puzzles, one for each session, and give them a contest to see who can do theirs earliest.
  3. Make a Tranquil Setting. Many people discover that solving puzzles helps them focus better and soothes their minds. Allow a few students to complete a puzzle while you listen to a lecture or engage in another peaceful activity. Make it a place where students can go to during class to fit some puzzle pieces and reset their minds.
  4. Frame your Actions. When the puzzles are finished, get poster frames and hang them. However, putting them in poster frames enables you to take the puzzle apart once more for use the following year. You can also glue them together using special puzzle glue.
  5. What about bits that are missing? Finding one or two pieces missing from a puzzle at the very end is something that everyone detests. There are various ways you can handle this. First, if you contact one of several respectable businesses, they’ll mail you the missing component. You might also ask your kids to fill in the blank if that’s not possible. They can cut out the shape and color it in on some stiff cardboard.

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Puzzles in Classrooms

Benefits of Puzzles in Classrooms

Here are just five psychological advantages of puzzles in classrooms:

1. Better Memory

Puzzles make new connections between brain cells and strengthen existing ones, which boosts cognitive speed. Jigsaw puzzles are particularly effective for improving short-term memory because they require pupils to recall colors, shapes, and the overall scene while also figuring out which pieces go where.

2. Originality

A excellent puzzle challenges the solver to consider things in novel or unusual ways. Even if a thought isn’t the answer to an issue, any unconventional thinking teaches the brain to think in novel ways. In order to solve a puzzle, one must use the scientific method, experimentation, and a combination of creativity and imagination.

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3. Whole-Body Training and Learning

Students must simultaneously see objects as both pieces and wholes when solving puzzles. They demand both reason and imagination. The brain teaches itself to integrate many modes of thinking for long-term advantages as diverse brain regions cooperate to provide the greatest results. In fact, studies suggest that when the entire brain can collaborate on tasks, concepts like mathematics are best understood. Isolated brain regions can only see one aspect of a scenario, but educators have found that using the full brain to grasp something deeply and permanently is significantly more effective.

4. Production of Dopamine

The neurotransmitter dopamine, a substance in your brain that controls your emotions, movements, and sensations of pleasure and pain, is known for its ability to assist the brain construct puzzles. When kids are solving puzzles in classrooms the brain releases dopamine in reaction to both little and significant advances. Having a good mood, paying attention better, remembering things better, and having stronger motor abilities are all advantages of this dopamine spike. Dopamine boosts strengthen the habit of solving puzzles, which explains why many people have a strong need to continue solving problems that are getting harder and harder.

5. Unwinding

The brain is both stimulated and relaxed by puzzles. According to studies, contemplating potential answers while simply studying a puzzle might really help the mind remain calm. The brain shifts into a meditative state. Gaining more serenity and perspective can help you manage your stress. Self-confidence has also been linked to meditation. Of course, completing a puzzle on its own fosters confidence.

Puzzles in Classrooms

Frequently Asked Questions

What Motor Skill is Puzzle?

Puzzles are a great way to practice fine motor skills. Children's finger muscles get stronger as they handle the little bits. To join them together, they must carefully pick them up, turn them, and hold them in place. This requires good control.

What abilities do kids pick up through puzzles?

Puzzles help people improve their memory, planning skills, and problem-solving aptitude. Children must retain shapes, colors, positions, and problem-solving techniques while completing a puzzle.

What does a Puzzle serve as?

A puzzle is a game, issue, or toy that puts one's creativity or knowledge to the test. To find the right or enjoyable solution to a puzzle, the solver is supposed to logically fit the parts together (or take them apart).

What kind of game are Puzzles?

Play that involves manipulation may involve puzzles, threading, playdough, carpentry, construction toys, and building blocks. Children can practice handling objects with control, tracking objects or images with their eyes, and using their senses of touch and sight during this kind of play.



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