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HomeStudy11 Ways in Supporting Children with Autism in the Classroom

11 Ways in Supporting Children with Autism in the Classroom

The autism of autistic children is the same, and it shows up in many ways. Children with autism need to be treated as individuals, just like every other child. There are strategies for supporting a child with autism in the classroom when it comes to instruction.

Children with autism are not same, and they exhibit their autism in various ways. Children with autism need to be treated as individuals, just like every other child. There are strategies for supporting a student with autism in the classroom when it comes to instruction.

Learning and development are more likely to occur when there is a good teacher-student interaction. While not all children will respond well to these techniques, many of them will help you get off to a good start.

What is Autism?

Autism is a developmental disability that can pose serious social communication and behavioral difficulties. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is one such disability.

It can cause a child’s behavior to be unpredictable and impacts everything from speech to non-verbal communication as well as their social skills. Of course, it’s not their fault, and they frequently possess exceptional knowledge and strengths that only make it more difficult to bring out the best in them.

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Symptoms of Autism

The following are typical signs of autism, while some of these characteristics can also be seen in children who are not autistic:

  • Spinning, rocking, or doing other repetitive motions
  • Avoiding contact with the body
  • Keeping the eyes closed
  • Delayed speech development repetitive word or phrase repetition
  • Being unable to adapt to minor adjustments in a routine
    minimal or no peer contacts

Ways in Supporting Children with Autism in the Classroom

If you know how to give the necessary assistance, having a child with autism in the classroom can be challenging but also tremendously rewarding. All of your interventions will be very helpful to them, whether it’s assisting them in maintaining their schedule, managing sensory overload, or engaging in learning in a way that speaks to them.

  • Think carefully about the setting in your classroom

Distractions abound in mainstream classrooms, particularly those that are sensory-related. We frequently believe that a vibrant, active setting equals enjoyable, creative work, but for many autistic and developmentally disabled children, this can actually result in sensory overload. Sensory stimulation can be increased with fluorescent lighting, loud bells, uncomfortable seats, and bathroom hand dryers.

It is important to thoroughly examine your surroundings in order to identify the source of the distraction and determine whether it can be eliminated. This sensory input can be quite distracting. With children with autism, you may tour the classroom or school and ask them to identify any sensory triggers. This is a fantastic method to increase your overall understanding of autism and begin to understand the world from the viewpoint of the youngster.

  • Establish a routine

For children with Autism, the world is a chaotic, noisy environment that makes them anxious. Children with autism can feel more at ease in class by following a set schedule that is predictable and steady. Although most classes are scheduled, professors can explain the pattern to autistic students to assist them understand it.

To accomplish this, one method is to make a visual schedule. To help the child comprehend how the day will unfold, teachers can arrange images to describe activities and transitions (for instance, a book for library time and an origami picture for crafts) in chronological order.

  • Become accustomed to the flapping and rocking

Children with autism spectrum disorders typically engage in stimming behaviors. These actions could involve flapping their hands, pacing, twirling, or rocking back and forth. Teachers would do well to understand that while such stimming practices can be distracting to both the instructor and other children, they are not intended to be distractions. Instead, the child finds solace in the pattern’s repetition.

  • Learn from parents

You only have the child in your class for a year, and each new teacher the child has will require the parents to recount their ordeal from the very beginning. Please don’t take offense if a parent or caretaker begins to instruct you on how to assist the child. They consider the big picture for their child in the long run, and many of them have done extensive research on autism. Work with them and you will learn so lot, even if you only try one thing at a time.

  • Use Concrete Examples

Use tangible examples before introducing abstract ideas to kids with autism spectrum disorders while teaching new abilities. This is significant because children with autism frequently take things literally. Connect abstract ideas to something the student is familiar with by using manipulatives and models. When discussing conduction, for instance, you may bring in a pan and discuss what would happen if you touched the pan while it was hot (instead of relying on a definition and one or two verbal examples).

  • Collaborate with the autistic student, their parents, and other professionals

Building and maintaining relationships with all individuals who work with children with autism is essential, including classmates. Mutual trust is essential, and it’s important to start each day calmly with a clean slate and avoid passing judgment on the student or taking incidents personally.

Parents frequently know the most about each unique child. Schools’ ought to be aware of this and work to provide a fuller picture of each student. As a team, the staff must explore for solutions, support one another, and be clear about what will happen if a student enters a crisis. Effective collaboration between schools and staff from other institutions and services, such as educational psychology, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and autistic advisory services, is essential for the integration of education, health, and care (such as an Autism Outreach Team).

  • Actively support children with autism with planning and organization

Not having the correct thing when you need it when working with the entire class is one issue that can impede independence. The children with autism in your class can be quite proficient at writing three sentences at once. If they could only locate their pencil.

If they knew where their worksheet was, your child might be able to sit and concentrate on their arithmetic problems for the entire class. The fact that we are teaching young people life skills in addition to getting work done in the classroom is one of its advantages. They will be well on their way to achieving their academic potential as well as success in life if they can organize themselves and independently locate the necessary materials or worksheets.

  • Integrate their interests

Whether it’s electronics, painting, unicorns, or a particular era in history, many children with autism can become extremely proficient and devoted to a single interest. These interests can be used by teachers as entry points to learning. For instance, if you are aware of a child’s passion in vehicles, you can suggest they try including car graphics in their math or spelling activities.

Read Also: Parent-Teacher Interaction: Mutual Understanding, 3 Major Importance

  • Use colorful visual aids

To encourage autistic students in paying attention in class, teachers can employ visual aids. For instance, they can use colored markers and pens to help students differentiate between different subjects and give instructions in color-coded notebooks. Content understanding can be improved with the aid of visual cues like images, symbols, and photographs as well as bulletin boards, banners, and posters.

  • All teachers should receive autism training

Staff members should receive autism training that is suitable to their position to help them better understand how to interact with children with autism. Staff members must be aware of the triggers or warning indications that, if ignored, could result in potentially explosive situations.

It is crucial to emphasize that any staff participation in autism training should ensure uniformity of approach. Included in this are the support staff and lunchtime supervisors, who are essential in regulating the less organized portions of the school day that can be problematic. The entire school community must have a genuinely inclusive mindset that accepts and celebrates difference for the inclusion of autistic students to be successful.

  • Teach to the student’s abilities and interests

Like other kids, autistic kids need to feel safe and secure in their environment. Don’t start teaching without adequate and suitable preparation, advises Tonya Roman, an instructor at Academic Brits and the Ph.D. Kingdom, because this can take some time. Make careful to note the child’s skills, interests, and obsessions after learning as much as you can about them. For the finest learning chances, incorporate this knowledge into your teaching strategy. Knowing what they enjoy may aid in giving them constructive feedback. Understanding their dislikes could help you prevent meltdowns.

Reactions of Children with Autism in The Classroom

Loud noises, vibrant colors, and overpowering smells may bother children with Autism, resulting in repetitive and stereotypical behaviors. They might:

  • Have difficulty in speaking or making eye contact play alone or prefer to be in their own world
  • Exhibits strange attachments to specific things or activities
  • Difficulties interacting socially with other classmates
  • Have issues coordinating your fine and gross motor movements
  • A youngster with autism needs particular accommodations in the classroom. It’s crucial for teachers to have empathy for autistic students’ needs and to incorporate them
  • Learning preferences into their lesson plans.

What types of educational resources are available to support children with Autism?

To help them adjust to the curriculum, children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may need a variety of educational materials, such as:

  • Low-vocabulary audiobooks, videotapes, and books
  • Voice output devices and auxiliary and alternative communication devices
    Calculators that talk
  • Educational software created for children with autism or challenging learners
    Adhesive notes
  • Golf pencils, magic markers, highlighters, chalk holders, pencil grips, and stamps/stamp pads are some examples of writing implements.
  • Recipe stands and slanted writing boards
  • Desk accessories

FAQS on Ways in Supporting Children with Autism in the Classroom

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Every child is unique, and our brains all perceive the world in somewhat different ways.

Children with autism can solve problems in a variety of ways and have brilliant, original ideas. They frequently have specialized hobbies on which they can concentrate quite well, sometimes at the expense of other obligations. Autism is a different way of thinking about the world, digesting it, and how the senses interpret information about it. Additionally, mental thoughts and sensations may be processed differently by autistic youngsters.

Because it requires them to “fit in” to a particular method of socially engaging that isn’t suited for their manner of functioning, the ordinary social environment can be overwhelming and the responsibilities of daily living tough to handle. Additionally, the social demands of attending school last the entire day.

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