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HomeAutism10 Best Apps for Autistic Child Development

10 Best Apps for Autistic Child Development

Best Apps for Autistic Child Development

For both adults and children with autism, smartphones and touchscreen tablets are important tools. All of these applications are entertaining and can assist with various issues or difficulties that some kids with autism spectrum disorder may have. Making an app hard and enjoyable is only one aspect of picking the greatest autism app, though. More app developers are focusing on the unique educational requirements of children on the autistic spectrum.

Autism applications created especially for parents of autistic children and autistic adults to develop both aptitude and confidence can be used to complement learning when conventional learning strategies are insufficient to satisfy the demands of autistic youngsters. Apps and games can improve your child’s expressiveness, curiosity, and attention span while also calming them down, reducing their anxiety, and stress levels.

Although raising a child with autism might be difficult, there are a number of smartphone apps that can be helpful for autistic kids in many important areas. There have been a lot more apps for autistic child development in recent years, but it can be challenging to distinguish between the excellent and the bad ones.

This collection of free apps includes ones that can aid in the development of independent living abilities in autistic children. Most of these apps are designed to be used as games and are intended to support people with autism spectrum disorders from early childhood through adulthood.

apps for autistic child development

We’ve gathered the top apps for autistic child development that can assist with addressing different parts of autism, such as communication, organizing, and social-awareness abilities, whether you’re a parent of a child with autism or a teacher of a special needs school.

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Limitations of Apps for Autistic Kids?

The learning opportunities that arise through play and regular interactions with you, your teachers, and other children cannot be replaced by the apps for autistic child development.

Additionally, there is a chance that your child may lose out on regular learning opportunities that might teach them how to connect socially with others while using apps. Additionally, your child may struggle with using the skills they have acquired in real-world situations with the aid of apps.

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What to Consider while Selecting the Apps for Autistic Child Development

Consider what you’re attempting to teach your child before utilizing an app.

Setting a goal will enable you to determine the type of software to seek for. A SMART goal is one that is “specific, measurable, achievable, relevant,” and time-focused. It should take into account your child’s strengths, needs, and interests. You might decide, for instance, that by the end of the academic year, you want your child to be able to put on their school uniform by themselves.

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Apps for Autistic Child Development


An Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app called Proloquo2Go can provide people with expressive and receptive language impairments a voice. It can be used by autistic children who are nonverbal as a communication technique. It is a unique educational app with specially created learning activities that has been endorsed by professionals for kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). One of the most well-liked autism applications for children is Proloquo2Go.

apps for autistic child development

Proloquo2Go can offer visual aids utilizing both famous images and symbols. It is one of the top iPad applications for autism because it makes excellent use of a set of strategies known as using symbols and visual supports for communication, scheduling, and instruction with people with ASD.

  • Devices: iPhone and iPad
  • Categories: Autism Awareness, Educational, Speech, Social Skills

Speech Blubs:

Speech Blubs is a kid-friendly, ad-free app that aids in educating autistic children about the principles of schooling. Speech therapists are successfully incorporating Speech Blubs into everyday therapy for kids with Autism, Down syndrome, and Apraxia as a supplemental tool.

With the aid of facial recognition technology and by encouraging your child to copy what they see, Speech Blubs gradually teaches kids to produce new sounds. Speech Blubs keeps kids motivated and is a lot of fun to play. Children pick up new vocabulary while engaging in engaging games, quizzes, and puzzles.

With autistic students, you can utilize this app to encourage vocal imitation utterances. Speech sound practice is being done with a lot of student interest. Major updates to Speech Blubs include a fresh layout, a useful parent’s area, new face filters that may be saved, and access to the reading app “Reading Blubs.” Now that the app may be customized, parents can make their child the star of their speaking journey.

  • Supported Devices: Android, iPhone, and iPad
  • Categories: Speech, Behavior Intervention

Speak My Mind:

Speak My Mind is a ground-breaking assistive communication system for individuals with language and communication difficulties as well as nonverbal and speech-delayed children. It offers a voice for those who struggle to use their own natural voice.

Autism, ALS, Down syndrome, Apraxia, Cerebral Palsy, Stroke, developmental delays, and language acquisition challenges can all benefit from using Speak My Mind.

Autism ABC App:

The first software solely devoted to the area of autism was created for parents of autistic children and professionals working in this field. This software is great for both leisure and treatment sessions.

The Autism ABC App uses an educational approach to address the disabilities connected to autism through entertaining and stimulating games and activities. The games are all graphically interesting and captivating. There are several cognitive and motor planning exercises accessible for various subject areas. The Autism ABC App helps to build and enhance reasoning, cognitive, and motor skills.

  • Supported Devices: Android, iPhone, and iPad
  • Categories: motor, cognitive, and logical abilities.

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Special Words:

A recognized app for speech and language development is Special Words. Through its flexible platform, it improves reading, language, and communication skills. Teachers, therapists, and parents can use special words to help children with these skills.

Special Words is one of our favorite apps for autistic child development, and it aims to teach word identification, spoken language, attention, and listening abilities in addition to hand-eye coordination. 96 words and images that are frequently used throughout early language development are included in this read and write app for autism. Parents, teachers, teaching assistants, and speech & language therapists can all utilize Special Words to promote the development of both expressive and receptive language in children.

Many autistic children throughout the world benefit from the Special Words autism app, which is free of distracting visual and aural elements. ASD specialists from many nations have examined and endorsed this read-and-write app for autism.

  • Supported Devices: Android, iPhone, and iPad
  • Categories: Reading Instruction for Autistic Children


Otsimo is a kid-friendly autism app that aids in educating autistic kids about the basics of schooling. Games designed for people with learning impairments, such as autism, are included in this app for autism.

Through matching objects, recognizing letters, and discovering various forms, it can provide hours of entertainment. The games are designed to teach fundamental concepts such as words, the alphabet, numbers, emotions, colors, animals, and vehicles to children with autism. All of these games are for fun, and they were made with autistic kids in mind.

Otsimo offers Alternative and Augmentative Communication for assistance with speech therapy, autistic communication, and special education for people or kids with speech impairments. This fantastic read and write software for autism also promotes brain development and offers speech treatment.

  • Supported Devices: Android, iPhone, and iPad
  • Categories: Behavioral Intervention, Educational, Entertainment, Games, Autism Awareness

Avaz AAC:

Check out Avaz AAC if you’re looking for the finest free apps for autistic child development for Android. With the help of this AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) free speech software, children with autism and people with speech-related difficulties can communicate with one another.

A fully functional speech app with a training section for new AAC users and their caretakers. One of our favorite applications for autistic learners, this autism app can help your child improve communication skills and monitor their development.

  • Supported Devices: Android, iPhone, and iPad
  • Category: Speech

Articulation Station:

A trained speech pathologist developed Articulation Station to treat articulation disorders, which occur when a kid is unable to produce one or more specified sounds and instead consistently makes an incorrect sound.

The method of traditional articulation therapy, on which the app is based, focuses on providing the kid with precise motor instructions on how to produce a target sound. The main goal of this procedure is to teach a child to make a target sound through a series of exercises, such as listening to and differentiating between the target sound and the error sound, correcting the target sound creation until it is produced correctly, and generalizing the target sound.

This autistic software offers practice at the letter, word, and phrase levels to enhance phonological awareness and speech. Articulation Station Pro offers approximately 1,000 target words in total, with 60 target words for each individual word. Easy grading and data tracking are provided by this read and write app for autism.

  • Supported Devices: iPhone and iPad
  • Categories: Communication and Speech

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Dino Tim: Kids’ Addition and Subtraction

Dino Tim should be downloaded if you’re looking for math apps for autistic child development. Teach geometric shapes, vowels, and consonants with the aid of this read-and-write software for autism. By completing puzzle games and learning fundamental math concepts, this autistic app may be really exciting. It enables users to switch between languages and aids young children in learning different languages.

apps for autistic child development

This is a fantastic tool for enhancing children’s understanding with the aid of a charming dinosaur named Tim. Autism math applications are made to assist kids as early as two years old in laying the groundwork for their math abilities.

  • Supported Devices: iPhone and iPad
  • Categories: Educational, Math Skills

SENspeller: The Autism Spelling App

SENspeller is a one of the apps for autistic child development that aids in teaching autistic people how to recognize letters and sounds. The idea behind this autistic app is to capitalize on visual learners’ advantages.

Children on the autism spectrum frequently have difficulty communicating and understanding others. Each child’s progress through the three separate spelling development stages in SENspeller may be tracked by parents. By doing this, you can make sure that your youngster is learning to spell rather than just matching pictures with words.

Many autistic children are visual learners who largely rely on visual clues to help them learn. Young students with autism and other specific educational needs can learn spelling using this autism read and write app.

  • Supported Devices: iPhone and iPad devices
  • Categories: Comprehension and Spelling

You can download some of these apps on PlayStore.

Frequently Asked Questions

What could cause an Autism Meltdown?

Although every autistic person is unique, frequent triggers include sensory differences, routine changes, anxiety, and communication challenges.

What sort of interests do people with Autism have?

Between 75 and 95 percent of individuals with autism exhibit these interests. An interest can involve collecting things like dolls or postcards, listening to or playing music repeatedly, or concentrating closely on a specific subject like insects battling.

What Services are provided to children with Autism?

1. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
2. Developmental, Individual-Difference, Relationship-Based (DIR)
3. The Education of ASD and Related Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH).

What Sports/hobbies are suitable for people with high functioning Autism?

Hobbies like stamp collecting, card or board gaming, drawing, and photography can also give people with autism the chance to have fun while also boosting their motivation and self-esteem.



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