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10 Ways to Stop Procrastination

10 Ways to Stop Procrastination!

The bane of every student’s existence is procrastination. We are aware of what needs to be done; we only lack the desire to do it. It’s simple to put off unpleasant tasks until the very last minute, but then we have to pull an all-nighter due to stress. After drinking seven cups of coffee, we are worn out, irritated, and submitting a task or homework that barely represents our finest effort. Here are the top 10 ways to stop Procrastination and, for once, sleeping!

Meaning of Procrastination and Causes

The deliberate delay of necessary action is known as procrastination. People frequently put off doing the necessary activity because they don’t like doing it.

Ways to Stop Procrastination

There are numerous additional good justifications for delaying, such as:

  1. Feeling depleted
  2. Perfectionism, failure- or criticism-phobia, etc.
  3. A poor sense of self
  4. Having insufficient time
  5. Not being interested
  6. Distractions
  7. Behavioral health issues
  8. Procrastination is frequently caused by distractions like phones and other electronic devices.
  9. Chronic procrastination has been associated with a number of mental health issues, including:
  10. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  11. The term “obsessive-compulsive disorder” (OCD)
  12. Depression
  13. Anxiety

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Ways to Stop Procrastination

Consequences of Procrastinating

Many individuals believe that procrastinating is detrimental. Many people find it annoying and want to cut back on their procrastination. In order to avoid procrastination, consider the following:

1. Relationships with other health issues

According to research from 2022, persons who delay frequently have higher levels of stress and are more likely to suffer from serious health issues, such as:

  • Insomnia
  • Digestion issues
  • Muscular spasms and discomfort

2. Postponing routine medical examinations

Those who put off necessary doctor’s appointments run the danger of developing health issues.

According to a previous 2007 study, people who report higher levels of procrastination are less likely to have had their annual dental and medical exams.

3. Lower Academic Achievement

The percentage of college students who admit to procrastinating ranges from 80% to 95%.

However, a 2015 review demonstrates that delaying tasks or studying can result in:

  • Reduced Grades
  • A worse ability to accomplish duties
  • Elevated stress levels

4. Consequences for job performance

Employees who put things off face the same repercussions as students. Procrastination is linked to lower income, more unemployment, and shorter employment duration.

5. You Can Feel Awful As A Result.

Procrastinators may exhibit higher signs of anxiety and despair. Self-compassion is less likely to be displayed by procrastinators.

10 Ways to stop Procrastination

Try these provided ways to stop Procrastination:

1. Get prepared

If you don’t know what assignments need to be finished, you can’t accomplish any work. Purchase a planner or begin utilizing your phone’s calendar app. This makes remembering specific assignments and significant deadlines much simpler. Want assistance getting going?

2. Make short-term, attainable goals.

We put off doing things because we think they will take too much time. Setting small, manageable goals rather than a broad, general strategy makes it much simpler to begin a project. As opposed to telling yourself, “Setting goals at the beginning of each semester is a great way to accomplish this. Instead of saying, “I’ll study biology tonight,” say, “I’ll study chapter six.” This makes your goals less intimidating and more attainable by breaking them down into smaller and more easily achievable tasks.

3. Make a schedule or timetable.

Create a schedule to accomplish your goals after you’ve established them.This could be a study plan for a big exam (“On Tuesday, I’ll study chapter five, and on Wednesday, I’ll study chapter six”), or it could be a breakdown of an essay you need to write (“On Saturday, I’ll write the introduction and conclusion”).Breaking an assignment down into manageable pieces over time makes it much easier to complete.

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4. Establish a deadline.

It’s important to set a specific date for when you want your goals to be accomplished. If you have an assignment due, aim to have it completed one or two days in advance. That way, if something unexpected happens, you still have extra time to complete it. So many people get stuck in the cycle of “someday, I’ll organize my notes,” or “I’ll get to that math homework eventually.” The truth is “someday” and “eventually” never come.

5. Eliminate any distractions.

If you tend to spend too much time on Snapchat or Instagram when you should be studying, turn your phone off (all the way off). Distractions could also be external sources, like annoying siblings. Try listening to classical music or white noise to drown out their constant chatter. Alternatively, you could change the subject of your study.

6. Set a timer.

It’s easy to overwork yourself when you’re swamped with assignments, and our brains can only handle so much information and focus at once. So how long should you study for? Everyone is different, but most experts agree that the ideal study time is between 50 and 90 minutes. Set a timer for a block of concentrated studying or work to keep yourself from getting too tired. You may need to experiment to find your “sweet spot” for how much time you spend studying.

7. Go for a break

One of the ways to stop procrastination is when your timer goes off, take a 10- to 30-minute break and do something that will distract you from your work and help you unwind, such as listen to music, go for a walk, do some laundry, or scream into a pillow.

8. Employ Inducements

It’s important to give yourself rewards, no matter how small. It could be as simple as, “If I work on this assignment for an hour, I’ll watch an episode of my favorite TV show tonight.” Or it could be a bigger goal like, “If I work on this assignment for two hours, I’ll watch an episode of my favorite movie.” “It’s simpler to pay attention when something is on the line, like “If I get an A in math this semester, I’ll go to my favorite restaurant.” Read further for other ways to stop procrastination.

9. Do the difficult tasks first.

You might want to move everything back even further because of this. Making yourself do something you don’t want to do is difficult. But what’s this? When you act, it’s too late! It’s best to finish your most difficult tasks first. Everything that comes after will appear simpler and take less time as a result. You will never finish that English essay if you keep delaying it. One of the ways to stop procrastination is that It’s best to become serious and finish the job.

10. Inform someone of your intention.

If you are the only one holding yourself accountable, it is simple to overlook or put off duties. Tell a buddy or member of your family if you’re genuinely serious about finishing anything. There is now a person holding you accountable for your objectives. You cannot refuse it or back out. You also have someone with whom to share your accomplishments, no matter how minor. Your friend will be there to help you, whether it’s completing a project a few days early or achieving an A on that physics test. This will be the last on the ways to stop procrastination.

Ways to Stop Procrastination

Frequently Asked Questions on Ways to Stop Procrastination

Why is Procrastinating a problem?

It may result in decreased production and prevent us from reaching our objectives. Long-term procrastination can cause us to lose motivation and disenchantment with our work, which in some situations can result in despair and even the loss of our jobs.

What Causes people to put things off?

Procrastinating's causes. Most people delay starting a task because they strive for perfection, are anxious about performing poorly, or are inefficient with their time and resources.

What are the types of Procrastinators?

According to this theory, there are four basic procrastination archetypes: "the performer" "the self-deprecator" "the overbooker" and the "novelty seeker" Identifying your group membership might help you stop your procrastinating habits and perhaps even turn in things early.

When we put something off, what happens in our brains?

It was discovered that the amygdala, a structure in the limbic system responsible for "fight" or "flight," is bigger in the brains of procrastinators. The procrastinators are reacting emotionally, and the emotion-focused coping mechanism is to run away. This is what we refer to as the "amygdala hijack."


We are all defeated by procrastination, so never feel alone when finishing tasks seems like a challenge. When the need to procrastinate starts to sneak in, remind yourself of your goals, divide your chores into smaller, more manageable chunks, take pauses, and keep in mind that the effort will all be worthwhile in the end. We hope you find this article on ways to stop procrastination resourceful.



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